**************************************************** * NAGRP Livestock Genome Database and Web Site * * http://www.animalgenome.org * * * * U S A G E S T A T I S T I C S * * * **************************************************** Begin: 01/Jan/2024:01:41:16 End : 24/Nov/2024:03:48:22 Summary ________________________________________________________ 111315356 hits were received from 626535 unique internet sites that made requests on 92993629 files, resulting in 5466617 Megabytes of network traffic. Major catagory break-downs _______________________________ 34.809 Mb - ANGENMAP Activities ( 34809217 bytes) 11.328 Mb - Aquaculture Information ( 11328118 bytes) 52756.291 Mb - Bioinfo Information ( 52756290638 bytes) 33339.290 Mb - Blast server ( 33339290075 bytes) 2857.665 Mb - Cattle Information ( 2857665409 bytes) 0.030 Mb - Chicken Information ( 30345 bytes) 132246.231 Mb - Community Activities (132246231254 bytes) 17260.682 Mb - CorrDB ( 17260682408 bytes) 2536.121 Mb - Databases and Maps Info ( 2536121385 bytes) 11787.069 Mb - Education Materials ( 11787069040 bytes) 76.127 Mb - Expeditor Tool ( 76127335 bytes) 14947.805 Mb - GBrowse ( 14947805077 bytes) 4130.943 Mb - Newsletters ( 4130942678 bytes) 1267.094 Mb - Other Users ( 1267094403 bytes) 5732.048 Mb - Pig Information ( 5732047773 bytes) 204600.014 Mb - QTL Database (204600013783 bytes) 50358.301 Mb - Repository ( 50358301264 bytes) 42049.725 Mb - Resources Sharing ( 42049725241 bytes) 13481.903 Mb - Site Statistics ( 13481902777 bytes) 139.924 Mb - Utility Tools ( 139923891 bytes) 1925.536 Mb - VCmap ( 1925535706 bytes) __________________________________________________________ I. Web access statistics in time dimension (1) Monthly activities, in number of files transmitted (* = 289130) 2505540 files in Jan : ********* 864970 files in Feb : *** 1397938 files in Mar : ***** 7933957 files in Apr : **************************** 1719647 files in May : ****** 3715132 files in Jun : ************* 11003752 files in Jul : *************************************** 9847811 files in Aug : *********************************** 28331309 files in Sep : ****************************************************+ 36026991 files in Oct : ****************************************************+ 7968309 files in Nov : **************************** (2) 24-hour cycle, in terms of network loads (kilobytes) (* = 11987) 221212 kb downloaded during 00:00-00:59 : ******************* 226753 kb downloaded during 01:00-01:59 : ******************* 226078 kb downloaded during 02:00-02:59 : ******************* 227438 kb downloaded during 03:00-03:59 : ******************* 227000 kb downloaded during 04:00-04:59 : ******************* 219329 kb downloaded during 05:00-05:59 : ******************* 222342 kb downloaded during 06:00-06:59 : ******************* 224613 kb downloaded during 07:00-07:59 : ******************* 229820 kb downloaded during 08:00-08:59 : ******************** 235182 kb downloaded during 09:00-09:59 : ******************** 223200 kb downloaded during 10:00-10:59 : ******************* 223389 kb downloaded during 11:00-11:59 : ******************* 236486 kb downloaded during 12:00-12:59 : ******************** 226999 kb downloaded during 13:00-13:59 : ******************* 226375 kb downloaded during 14:00-14:59 : ******************* 231829 kb downloaded during 15:00-15:59 : ******************** 230597 kb downloaded during 16:00-16:59 : ******************** 232169 kb downloaded during 17:00-17:59 : ******************** 226316 kb downloaded during 18:00-18:59 : ******************* 229310 kb downloaded during 19:00-19:59 : ******************** 238145 kb downloaded during 20:00-20:59 : ******************** 230310 kb downloaded during 21:00-21:59 : ******************** 226295 kb downloaded during 22:00-22:59 : ******************* 225295 kb downloaded during 23:00-23:59 : ******************* II. User Statistics (1) Top 20 sites, in number of files transmitted. 4266932 requests from 2832413 requests from ec2-52-40-18-77.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com 2306674 requests from 107-181-244-204.static.gorillaservers.com 1962338 requests from 192-200-113-156.static.gorillaservers.com 1775616 requests from 1744141 requests from 1689971 requests from 1683355 requests from 1678062 requests from 1662109 requests from 1632549 requests from 1623466 requests from 1570384 requests from 1569194 requests from 1542125 requests from 1438724 requests from 1433195 requests from 1407384 requests from 1270681 requests from 1233120 requests from (2) Top 10 domains, in number of files downloaded: 28762403 hits from domain net 19809049 hits from domain com 6362500 hits from domain 1 3530584 hits from domain amazon 1757285 hits from domain 3 1199811 hits from domain 9 1092637 hits from domain 10 1071912 hits from domain 13 1048721 hits from domain 16 1009842 hits from domain 11 III. Files access statistics (1) Top 30 most accessed directories 2562355 accesses to folder * 1344215 accesses to folder /blast/old/ 990936 accesses to folder / 437399 accesses to folder /blast/ 279610 accesses to folder /edu/blue_genes/ 172881 accesses to folder /QTLdb/references/ 166064 accesses to folder /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db/ 143844 accesses to folder /helpdesk/?f=db/ 140913 accesses to folder /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?0 112936 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/ 111124 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/carthagene/ 98609 accesses to folder /default/ 89017 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ 75507 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture2/ 73744 accesses to folder /edu/PIH/ 69436 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml3/htmlhelp/asreml/ 69296 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture1/ 66441 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture3/ 58799 accesses to folder /edu/MAS/Dekkers/PAGVII/ 54248 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml2/htmlhelp/asreml/ 52668 accesses to folder /bioinfo/updates/ 46248 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/txt/ 45370 accesses to folder /share/popuptxt/ 45322 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture6/ 43174 accesses to folder /cgi-bin/QTLdb/ 42923 accesses to folder /cattle/maps/COMRAD/ 37270 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture4/ 33424 accesses to folder /share/js/ 32316 accesses to folder /edu/doe/ 32311 accesses to folder /share/js/dynamic_slides/ (2) Top 30 Most frequently transmitted files 2260562 hits due to * 839779 hits due to /blast/old/blast_cs.cgi 520001 hits due to / 264224 hits due to /robots.txt 263838 hits due to /blast/old/psiblast_cs.cgi 237183 hits due to /blast/psiblast.cgi 235934 hits due to /blast/old/psiblast.cgi 197589 hits due to /blast/blast.cgi 140913 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?0 132011 hits due to /favicon.ico 72609 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/sexlim.html 57887 hits due to /default/style.css 46844 hits due to /cgi-bin/QTLdb/index 45350 hits due to /share/popuptxt/wz_tooltip.js 35681 hits due to /community/mail/latest 34304 hits due to /share/js/showhide.js 30703 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?1 30205 hits due to /blast/old/wblast2_cs.cgi?%d 21802 hits due to /default/style2.css 20652 hits due to /community/epigroup/mail/view.php?f=db%2F05 20054 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/pedigree.gif 15614 hits due to /bioinfo/ 13599 hits due to /community/ 13282 hits due to /cgi-bin/CorrDB/index 12897 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/latest/ 12716 hits due to /share/html/animanual.html 12087 hits due to /cgi-bin/angenmap/angendir 11988 hits due to /community/NRSP8/ 11532 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/punnet.gif 11238 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db%2F8492 (3) Top 30 Files in terms of network traffic generated (kilobytes) 100311 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_v1.fa 37667 bytes due to /QTLdb..all.fa.gz 20761 bytes due to /repository..UMC_marker_names_180910.zip 16744 bytes due to /community..ROSS-PAG-2019.pdf 16277 bytes due to /anexdb..Affy_Porcine_Annotation-NX_v1.xls 15221 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_Annotation_v1.txt 13987 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL0008_2.fastq.gz 12587 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL0008_1.fastq.gz 8376 bytes due to /community..Bovine_FAANG_Workshop_2024.pdf 6171 bytes due to /log..2023_visitip.txt 5648 bytes due to /repository..VCF_SNPs_Indels_combined.vcf.gz 5344 bytes due to /blast..BT.all.fa 4905 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL08.454.sff.gz 4886 bytes due to /community..Flicek.pptx 4764 bytes due to /repository..ARS-UCD.1.2.fa.gz 4345 bytes due to /community..PAG2019-FAANG-SwineFAANG.pdf 4076 bytes due to /bioinfo..guidelines.pdf 3592 bytes due to /repository..EquCab3.fa.gz 3471 bytes due to /QTLdb..2018WCGALP.pdf 3180 bytes due to /bioinfo..UserGuideFunctional.pdf 3169 bytes due to /repository..Annotations_GATK_SNPs_Indels.vcf.gz 3091 bytes due to /repository..IP_all.fa 2698 bytes due to /blast..bov_UMD.fa 2573 bytes due to /QTLdb..2020PAG.pdf 2496 bytes due to /gtex..Bos_taurus_ARS-UCD1.2.fa.gz 2487 bytes due to /bioinfo..biomar_rc6_doc.pdf 2473 bytes due to /QTLdb..Milk_Association 2430 bytes due to /repository..BTA4_masked.tgz 2170 bytes due to /community..Tuggle-USPigFAANG.pdf 2135 bytes due to /news..gdc/ -- [End of Report]