AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Wed Nov  1 14:59:25 2023
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From: "Wellison Diniz" <wzd0027auburn.edu>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Auburn University - Assistant Research Professor –
        Bioinformatics Analyst
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:59:25 -0500
The Auburn University (http://www.auburn.edu) College of Agriculture’s Department of
Poultry Science is seeking candidates for the position of Assistant Research
Professor of bioinformatics. This faculty position is a full-time, twelve-
month, non-tenure track research appointment renewable annually contingent
upon satisfactory performance and funding. Full-time positions are eligible
for benefits, including health insurance.


The successful candidate will be responsible for developing a bioinformatics
program focused on analyzing metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, or
metabolomics data related to intestinal health of poultry. In addition, the
successful candidate will mentor poultry science graduate and undergraduate
students and produce scholarship through recognized peer-reviewed outlets,
secure extramural funding to support his/her research program from external
sources such as USDA-NIFA, NSF and other related federal sponsors, and from
relevant industries in Alabama and across the country.


Minimum qualifications are an earned Ph.D. from an accredited institution in
bioinformatics, computational biology, poultry science, animal science, or
closely related disciplines at the time employment begins. Candidates should
demonstrate research experience using a multi-omics systems biology approach
and documented evidence of the ability to conduct research and ability to work
with faculty and students across multiple disciplines. The candidate must
possess excellent interpersonal communication, and organizational skills. The
incumbent must meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States at
the time the appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally
for the term of employment.

Desired Qualifications:

Experience with avian biology is desired. Demonstrated record of securing
extramural funding and documented experience mentoring undergraduate and
graduate students in research is desired.


Applicants must apply for this position by visiting the link:
https://www.auemployment.com/postings/41460 and attach the following:

1. Cover letter that addresses the applicant’s experience pertinent to
   the position responsibilities
2. Current curriculum vita
3. Copies of all academic transcripts
4. Statement of research philosophy and plan
5. Diversity statement

When prompted during the on-line process, please provide names, email
addresses and phone numbers for three (3) professional references. Only
completed application materials will be considered. To ensure consideration
for the position, applicants are encouraged to apply by end of business
December 31, 2023. The search may continue until the position is filled.

Questions about this position should be directed to Dr. Ruediger Hauck, Search
Committee Chair, Email: mrh0079auburn.edu.

The College of Agriculture is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
(DEI). Our goal is to equip students and employees to achieve their full
potential by supporting a diverse and inclusive culture that is welcoming and
respectful. In your application packet, please include a diversity statement
addressing how you have supported DEI in the past or your ideas of future
support. Additional information about the college’s DEI goals and objectives
can be found at the following link: Diversity Inclusion Plan / Auburn
University College of Agriculture




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