From zhu Mon Jan 8 16:47:01 2007
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 16:47:14 -0600
From: Zhiliang Hu <zhu>
Subject: What's new on the NAGRP animal genome web site (#1,
To: Multiple Recipients of <angenmap>
What's new on the NAGRP animal genome web site (#1, 2007):
o The Animal QTLdb Release #5:
The new release of Animal QTLdb is recently made public. This Release
contains data from multiple species (the number of curated QTL for
cattle, chicken and pigs are 846, 657, and 1,675 respectively; More
species will be added also in the near future).
o New features/data types were added to the Animal QTLdb:
- 6,500+ cattle SNPs and 1,300+ pig SNPs were aligned to respective
QTL maps via RH to human comparative maps.
- 4,528 new porcine microsatellites from the Sino-Danish Pig Genome
Sequencing Consortium were aligned to the pig QTL maps.
- The linkage markers on the cattle QTL maps are now linked to the
cattle genome sequence locations at Ensembl.
These features/data can be seen through respective QTL map views within
the Animal QTLdb. More data (types) will be aligned as well when they
become available.
o The most recent NCBI build of cattle, chicken and human genome sequences
by chromosomes were added to the NAGRP Blast server:
o See for more current updates
on the site.