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United States
Department of
State Research,
Education, and
Extension Service
September 2007
Blueprint for USDA
Efforts in Agricultural
Animal Genomics

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Blueprint for USDA
Efforts in Agricultural
Animal Genomics
United States
Department of
State Research,
Education, and
Extension Service
September 2007
USDA Animal Genomics Strategic Planning
Task Force

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USDAAnimal Genomics Strategic Planning
Task Force. 2007. Blueprint for USDA Efforts
in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008–2017.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
Research Service and Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service,
Washington, DC.
Following the recommendation of the
National Science and Technology Council’s
Interagency Working Group on Animal
Genomics, a task force was established
in January 2006 to develop a blueprint
for USDA efforts in agricultural animal
genomics. This task force of Agricultural
Research Service (ARS), Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service
(CSREES), and university scientists and
administrators developed a “Blueprint” for
future research, education, and extension
efforts in agricultural animal genomics,
based on a vast array of stakeholder input.
The Blueprint is designed as a pyramid, with
“Science to Practice” at the top, supported by
fundamental and mission-oriented research in
“Discovery Science,” and is based on a solid
foundation of “Infrastructure.” The Blueprint
will guide activities in this critical area of
science over the coming decade.
Keywords: animal genomics, animal
genomes, food animal, animal production,
animal selection, genome mapping,
bioinformatics, comparative genomics,
functional genomics, genetic selection,
systems biology.
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September 2007

Page 5
Executive Summary...........................................................................1
Stakeholder Input...............................................................................5
Science to Practice..............................................................................7
Discovery Science...............................................................................9
Conclusion ........................................................................................14
About the Task Force.......................................................................16
Appendix I ........................................................................................19
Appendix II.......................................................................................20

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Discovery Science
Science to Practice
Animal Identity/Traceability
Precision Management Systems
Precision Mating Systems
Genome-Enabled Animal Selection
Systems Biology
Host:Pathogen Interactions
Functional Genomics
Gene Discovery
Education & Training
Animal Resource Populations
Databases & Bioinformatics
Genomic Tools

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
Animal improvement programs have
greatly increased the ability of animal
agriculture to provide high quality, low
cost and safe animal products to the
American consumer. A large part of this
change is a result of investments made
by USDA in quantitative animal genetics
and animal molecular biology research
as well as the ability of private industry
to rapidly adopt these new technologies.
Investments in genomic technology, from
gene discovery to sequenced genomes,
and state-of-the-art technology developed
by the biomedical research community,
have animal agriculture poised at the
threshold of the genomic revolution.
Although quantitative geneticists have
made tremendous progress in improving
the efficiency of meat, milk, and egg
production, there is still a significant
need for increased production efficiency.
For example, if Americans are to fully
meet the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, U.S. dairy producers will
need to increase annual production of
milk and milk products (especially fat-
free or low-fat dairy products) by an
estimated 65% (Buzby et. al., 2006). In
addition, by 2020-2030 world demand for
meat and dairy products is expected to
increase 40-50% (Rosegrant et. al., 2001;
FAO, 2002), which will stimulate the
competitiveness of American food animal
products. Genome-enabled technologies
will also lead to improvements in product
quality, including nutrient-fortified lean
meat, milk, and eggs to satisfy increasing
demand for healthier food from aging or
obese consumers. Animal genomics will
also provide the ability to understand and
improve genetic traits that were difficult
to measure with quantitative genetics
approaches (e.g., disease resistance,
animal well-being, feed efficiency, and
product quality) and will lead to enhanced
functionality and well-being of animals
in environmentally neutral production
systems. In the near future, genome-
enabled technologies will be used to trace
animals and animal products throughout
the food production chain resulting in
enhanced biosecurity as well as increased
food safety and consumer confidence.
Thus, with additional USDA-supported
efforts, new genomic technologies will
be available to livestock, poultry, and
aquaculture producers to improve the
efficiency, sustainability, biosecurity, and
social acceptance of agricultural animal
To meet these national needs, a blueprint
for future research, education, and
extension efforts in agricultural animal
genomics has been developed by a task
force of ARS, CSREES, and university
scientists and administrators. The
Blueprint is built on a vast array of
stakeholder input and is designed as
a pyramid, with Science to Practice at
the top supported by fundamental and
mission oriented research in Discovery
Science, and is based on a solid foundation
of Infrastructure.
The goals and recommendations of
the Blueprint are consistent with the
President’s American Competitiveness
Initiative (2006) which stresses the
importance of targeting “

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
toward the development of deeper
understanding of complex biological
systems..”. The Blueprint is consistent
with the 2005-2010 USDA Strategic
Plan, including its Goal 1 (Enhance
International Competitiveness of
American Agriculture), Goal 2 (Enhance
the Competitiveness and Sustainability
of Rural and Farm Economies), Goal 4
(Enhance Protection and Safety of the
Nation’s Agriculture and Food Supply),
and Goal 5 (Improve the Nation’s
Nutrition and Health). Appendix I
provides additional information regarding
how the Blueprint aligns with these USDA
Science to Practice Priorities:
Quantitative genetics has been used
for many years in selecting animals for
improved production (e.g., growth, yield,
efficiency) and has achieved remarkable
results. The addition of animal genomic
technology to quantitative genetics
programs has the potential to lead to more
accurate and rapid animal improvement,
especially for phenotypic traits that are
difficult to measure (e.g. disease resistance,
animal well-being, feed efficiency, product
quality). Genomic technologies also offer
new opportunities to develop precision
management systems to optimize the
production environment based on an
animal’s genotype. In the short-term,
research, education, and extension efforts
in animal genomics are expected to deliver
the following genome-based technologies
to animal producers:
1) Whole-genome-enabled animal
2) Prediction of genetic merit of
individual animals from genome-
based data combined with
3) Integration of genomic data into large
scale genetic evaluation programs
and the use of genomic information to
design precision mating systems.
4) Precision management systems to
optimize animal production, health,
and well-being.
5) Genomic capabilities that enable
parentage and identity verification
Discovery Science: Critical gaps in
our understanding of gene structure
and function in animals must be filled
before animal genomics technologies
can be successfully applied to animal
industries. Agricultural animals form a
unique resource to study the fundamental
underlying biological mechanisms of gene
structure and function, regulation of gene
expression, and the genetic contribution
to phenotypic variation because, unlike
humans, animals have been artificially
selected to express or repress specific
traits. Advances in discovery science will
require interdisciplinary teams of scientists
that address complex agricultural issues
with state-of-the-art equipment and
approaches that include systems biology
and comparative genomics. The following
are priorities in discovery science for
animal genomics:
1) Identify genes and gene products
that regulate important traits in
agricultural animals such as disease
resistance, animal well-being, feed
efficiency, and product quality.

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
2) Understand mechanisms that regulate
agriculturally relevant genes in a
systems biology framework.
3) Define the mechanisms through which
specific genes and genetic variation
influence phenotypes and phenotypic
4) Understand the roles and interactions
of host animal and microbial genomes
and environmental influences (e.g.,
animal feed, vaccines) for improving
animal health, well-being, and
production efficiency.
Infrastructure: A solid infrastructure is
needed to support advances in discovery
science. The priorities for a solid
infrastructure are:
1) Genomic tools to connect genotype to
phenotype and elucidate pathways
of complex traits for all agricultural
animal species. These genomic
tools include comprehensive,
high resolution genome maps and
assembled and annotated genomic
2) National, comprehensive databases
and the statistical and bioinformatics
tools that integrate genomic,
phenotypic, and experimental
information for each species.
3) Genetic resources such as centralized
animal populations that are deeply
phenotyped as well as repositories for
cell lines, DNA and RNA collections,
and gene expression resources for all
species. The mission of the National
Animal Germplasm Program should
be broadened to become a coordinated
national repository for genomic
DNA, appropriate DNA libraries, and
specialized cell lines.
4) Education and training of students,
scientists, and the public on
genome-enabled animal sciences
and opportunities that help prepare
the next generation of scientists.
Particular emphasis should be placed
on integrating quantitative genetics,
genomics, immunology, nutrition,
physiology, biochemistry, cell biology,
developmental biology, ecology,
engineering, physics, mathematics,
and computer science with
development of scientists who have a
keen appreciation for, and knowledge
of, animal production systems.
Additional emphasis on extension
and outreach will enable and facilitate
effective translation of genomics
research and resulting technologies
to the agricultural animal production
sector and the public.

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
Agricultural animal research has been
successful in developing technology
and methodologies that have enhanced
production efficiency of the beef, dairy,
swine, poultry, sheep, and aquaculture
industries. Excellent examples of the
changes that have taken place over the
last 50 years are: 1) The dairy industry’s
coupling of genetic selection and
efficacious use of artificial insemination
has more than doubled the annual milk
yield per cow while reducing the size of
the national dairy herd by about 50%; 2)
Genetics, nutrition and other management
changes resulted in a “modern day”
broiler that requires approximately
one-third the time and over a threefold
decrease in the amount of feed consumed
to produce a market-age broiler; and
3) The pounds of feed needed to produce
a pound of pork is estimated to have been
halved. While quantitative geneticists have
been successful in improving production
traits, genomic technology has potential
to lead to more accurate and rapid animal
improvement, especially for phenotypic
traits that are difficult to measure (such
as disease resistance, animal well-being,
feed efficiency, and product quality).
The potential for future improvements
in animal production efficiency, quality
of animal products, animal health and
animal well-being lies in the elucidation
and understanding of interactions of the
various components of animal biology
in concert with all of the parameters of
the production environment. To begin
to fully understand these interactions, a
redirection of the traditional “reductionist
science” approach to a “systems biology”
approach is required. It is also clear that
publicly supported agricultural research
must be focused on enhancing the nutrient
composition of meat, milk, and eggs and
enhancing the functionality and well-
being of animals in environmentally
neutral production systems.
In the past two decades, molecular biology
has changed the face of agricultural
animal research, primarily in the arena of
genomics and the relatively new offshoot
areas of functional genomics, proteomics,
transcriptomics, metabolomics and
metagenomics. Recently, the agricultural
research community has been able to
capitalize on the infrastructure built by
the human genome project (Collins et al.,
2003; International HapMap Consortium,
2005) by sequencing two of the major
agricultural animal genomes, Gallus
domesticus (International Chicken Genome
Consortium, 2004; Wong et al., 2004) and
Bos taurus (Gibbs et al., 2002). The 2006
calendar year marked a major milestone
in the history of agricultural animal
research since annotated draft genome
sequences were completed for chickens
and cattle and sequencing was initiated
for the porcine and equine genomes. We
now have in place a powerful toolbox
for understanding the genetic variation
underlying economically important and
complex phenotypes of agricultural

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
The priorities and recommendations
contained in this Blueprint are based on a
substantial amount of stakeholder input
that was provided to USDA National
Program Staff by scientists, producers,
animal industry and commodity groups,
other federal research agencies, and the
general public.
In 1990, an Allerton Conference entitled
Mapping Domestic Animal Genomes:
Needs and Opportunities” was hosted
by the University of Illinois while a
Banbury Conference was held at Cold
Spring Harbor on “Mapping Genomes
of Agriculturally Important Animals”.
Participants at these workshops
recommended to USDA that genetic maps
be developed for each of the agriculturally
important species (cattle, swine, poultry,
sheep, and fish).
A second Allerton Conference entitled
Genetic Analysis of Economically Important
Traits in Livestock” was convened in 1996.
The primary recommendation of the
workshop was a call for building the
research infrastructure necessary to enable
researchers to identify important genes
that control economically important traits
and, eventually, gain an understanding of
the function of individual genes and their
interactions across the genome (Schook,
In 2002, the National Academy of
Sciences hosted a public workshop
entitled “Exploring Horizons for Domestic
Animal Genomics” (National Academies
Press, 2002). The workshop participants
identified the need to produce high-
coverage, draft genome sequences of some
domestic animal species (cattle, chicken,
swine, dog, and cat) for deposit into the
public domain databases. Furthermore, it
was recognized that there would be a need
to scale up bioinformatics resources to
make effective use of the information that
would result from the genome sequencing
projects. Based upon the experiences of
the National Plant Genome Initiative, it
was also discussed that funding for such
large-scale projects would likely need to
come from a variety of sources, including
the U.S. Federal government, private
industry, and international partners.
In 2002, a third Allerton Conference
entitled “Beyond Livestock Genomics” was
conducted to develop an initial plan for
the full utilization of genomic information
to promote animal health and productivity.
The overarching recommendation from
this workshop was that additional basic
research was needed to identify genomic
mechanisms and novel genes/proteins
in a variety of tissues under a variety of
environmental conditions (Hamernik
et al., 2003). Functional genomics was
recognized as the vehicle for capitalizing
on the investment of obtaining whole
genome sequence information. The need
to increase bioinformatics infrastructure,
teaching, and outreach efforts in animal
genomics was recognized also. To further
define priorities for animal bioinformatics,
an electronic workshop was conducted
in 2002. Priorities for animal genome
database development included: 1) data
repository, 2) tools for genome analysis,

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
3) annotation, 4) practical application
of genomic data, and 5) a biological
framework for DNA sequence (Hamernik
and Adelson, 2003).
An Interagency Working Group (IWG)
on Domestic Animal Genomics was
chartered in September of 2002 by the
U.S. National Science and Technology
Council. The membership of the IWG
included representatives from the
Department of Agriculture (USDA),
Department of Energy (DOE), Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), National
Institutes of Health (NIH), National
Science Foundation (NSF), Office of
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP),
Office of Management and Budget (OMB),
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
and the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID). The IWG
identified the following broad strategic
goals: 1) Bring into place the programmatic
elements needed to advance the study
and understanding of domestic animal
genomes, including large-scale DNA
sequencing; functional characterization
of expressed genes (functional genomics);
tools for data storage, analysis and
visualization (bioinformatics); and
study of similarities among genomes of
different species (comparative genomics);
2) Leverage the national infrastructure
for large-scale DNA sequencing that has
been established for the Human Genome
Project and other vertebrate and model
organism genomes; 3) Advance and utilize
the enabling tools and infrastructure of
functional genomics and bioinformatics
to enhance the understanding not only
of basic science and disease mechanisms,
but also to address critical agricultural
missions, including animal health and
well-being, food safety, and human
nutrition; 4) Ensure that genomics data
are freely available in the public domain
and genomics reagents and resources are
available to the public; 5) Increase the
training opportunities for genomics and
bioinformatics at all levels of education;
and 6) Coordinate and encourage
international cooperation to achieve these
In early 2004, as the sequencing goals
of the IWG appeared to be within
reach, the IWG charged the USDA with
evaluating how bioinformatics and
functional genomics programs should be
developed further to allow full utilization
of annotated genome sequences and
associated tools. An Animal Genomics
Workshop was convened by USDA
administrators in ARS and CSREES in
2004. The workshop resulted in a list of
priorities in each of these areas for the
“post-sequencing era” for agricultural
animal genomics (Green et al., 2007). A
primary recommendation resulting from
this workshop was that “USDA should
expeditiously develop a coordinated long-
term strategic plan for efforts in agricultural
animal genomics”. Thus, in January 2006
the USDA Undersecretary for Research,
Education, and Economics appointed an
Animal Genomics Strategic Planning Task
Force to develop a Blueprint intended to
guide future decision making and priority
setting by the Department and its relevant

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
In 2006, the ARS and CSREES conducted a
joint stakeholder workshop in the area of
animal production and well-being where
previous input was further validated by
scientists, producers, and representatives
of animal commodity groups and
animal industries. A summary of the
ARS and CSREES stakeholder workshop
is available at: (http://www.ars.usda.
htm?np_code=101&docid=13166 ).
Additionally, in July 2006, a US-EC
Livestock Genomics Symposium was held
under the auspices of the US-EC Joint Task
Force on Biotechnology. The priorities
identified in this session allowed USDA to
assure that efforts between the European
Commission and U.S. research programs
were complementary in achieving impacts
in agricultural animal genomics and
also identified areas for transatlantic
collaboration (Burfening et. al., 2006).
Input from both of these events was used
in the formulation of the USDA Blueprint.
ciEncE to
Application of basic science to improve
animal production practices is the goal
of animal genomics research. In the
short-term, the combined use of genomic
information with existing animal breeding
and animal management programs will
provide immediate impacts, such as more
accurate and accelerated rates of genetic
improvement of breeding stock (especially
for traits that have been traditionally
difficult to measure), animals that are
more adaptable and better suited to
various production environments, and
new genome-based technologies to enable
parentage and identity verification (i.e.,
traceability). Delivery and adoption of
new genome-based technologies will
require integrated activities involving
basic scientists, educators (classroom
and extension specialists), animal
breeding and artificial insemination
organizations, and producers working
together to utilize these technologies. In
the long-term, animal genomics efforts
will lead to efficient and economical
production of human pharmaceutical
proteins in animals, new technologies
for manipulation of gene expression
in animals (i.e., RNA interference,
transgenesis, etc.), and improved methods
for conserving biodiversity and unique
animal germplasm. Because of the existing
widespread use of quantitative genetics
in animal breeding programs in the U.S.
and the rapid rate at which genomic
information is being discovered, the
initial applications of genomics efforts
will be the combined use of genomic
data with quantitative genetics for
animal improvement, management,
and biosecurity. Thus, USDA-supported
research, education, and extension efforts
in animal genomics are expected to deliver
the following genome-based technologies
to livestock producers in the short term:
1) Whole genome enabled animal
selection resulting in a significant
reduction in selection cost and
generation interval. One of the first
and most exciting avenues to explore
is the possibility of using dense single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) maps
coupled with haplotype information

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
within species to enable “whole-
genome selection” for traits important
in the overall breeding objective. Such
approaches should accelerate the
rate of genetic improvement, while
simultaneously reducing progeny
testing costs to the animal industries. In
addition, precise genetic improvement
will be obtained because SNP markers
can be used to monitor selection for
more than one trait throughout the
entire genome.
2) Prediction of genetic merit from
genome-based data combined with
phenotypes. In order to fully harness
the power of genomic information
for genetic improvement, a meshing
together of quantitative genetics
theory and platforms with genomic
data will be required. Additionally,
significant research and software
development is required to integrate
all forms of genomic information,
following validation, into large-scale
genetic evaluation systems. A critical
step in the process of moving to
genome-enabled animal improvement
is the development of standardized
systems for recording performance
phenotypes for complex and difficult
to measure traits. This is particularly
true for traits that capture the genetic
variation of animals for adaptation
to their production environments
(stress resistance, behavior, innate
resistance to disease) and for measures
of efficiency of nutrient utilization
(e.g. feed efficiency), amongst others.
A major effort will be required
for these traits to be defined and
parameterized, followed by evaluation
in genetic resource populations to
identify genomic control mechanisms
underpinning observed variation.
3) Integration of genomic data into large
scale genetic evaluation programs
and the use of genomic information
to design precision mating systems.
Not only will genomic information be
of use in prediction of genetic values
for complex traits, the resulting tools
from such approaches will also allow
design of precision mating systems.
More precise information at the
genomic level can be incorporated into
mating system design to minimize
the cumulative effects of inbreeding
from selection and predict matings
that will optimize the use of non-
additive genetic variation for traits
where hybrid vigor is of importance.
Knowledge of epigenetic effects will
also be required to fully capture the
value of this use of genomic data.
4) Precision management systems to
optimize animal production. Genomic
information will also provide the
basis for development of precision
management systems. Knowledge of
an animal’s genotype will allow precise
sorting of animals into the optimal
production environment, resulting
in enhanced animal well-being. For
example, the genotype of some beef
and dairy cattle may be more suited
to pasture-based production systems
rather than confinement systems.
Feeding regimens and preventative
health care programs can also be

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
designed to match an animal’s
genotype and lead to increased
production efficiency, targeted market
endpoints, and new opportunities for
niche markets. The expected amount
of genomic information will require
development of decision support
systems for use in the industries to
implement and manage such genome-
enabled precision management
systems. The ability to precisely control
expression of selected genes (such as
inactivation of the myostatin gene to
increase lean muscle mass) may also
lead to increased production efficiency,
more consistent meat quality, and
healthier animals.
5) Genomic capabilities that enable
parentage and identity verification
(traceability). Development of
high-throughput genotyping
systems that allow for individual
animal identification and parentage
identification will likely have an
immediate impact on all animal
industries. High-throughput SNP
genotyping systems are affordable and
will likely be commercially available
for most agricultural animal species
in the near future. In today’s world,
biosecurity is a major issue due to the
concentration of animal populations
and widespread movement of animals.
Genomic techniques and technology
should be harnessed to provide a
quick, affordable, and foolproof means
of animal identification for traceability
resulting in increased food safety
and consumer confidence in the food
Critical gaps in our understanding of
gene structure and function in animals
must be filled before genome-enabled
technologies can be successfully applied
to animal improvement, management,
and biosecurity programs. Rapid progress
in discovering new knowledge related
to animal gene structure and function
will require interdisciplinary teams
of scientists, access to state-of-the-art
equipment, technology, and approaches
that include systems biology and
comparative genomics.
Instead of analyzing individual
components or aspects of the organism,
systems biology incorporates all
biological components and their
interactions. Systems biology will promote
identification and determination of the
function(s) of a complete set of genes and
regulatory elements and will integrate
analysis of DNA sequences, transcriptional
regulation, proteomics, and metabolic
networks and pathways. The ultimate
goal is to understand how genotype
contributes to phenotype and phenotypic
variation. Animal populations that have
been selected for specific phenotypes
and that have been well-characterized at
the molecular and whole animal levels
provide a valuable resource for discovery
research in this area.
Comparative genomics will be an essential
tool to take advantage of knowledge
obtained from species with finished
genome sequences (i.e., human, mouse,
rat) to advance the knowledge of genomes

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
from agricultural animals. DNA sequences
that have been highly conserved across
species are likely to have functional
significance, either as genes or as
regulatory elements. Agricultural animals
will play a significant role in revealing
the basic biology of how chromosomes
evolved and how functional elements
within a genome are organized to produce
different phenotypes. Comparative
genomics will also point to specific
targets for understanding and potentially
modulating gene expression. Since it is not
likely that the genomes from all animals of
agricultural importance will be sequenced
in the near future, comparative genomics
will provide an important tool for
extrapolating genetic information between
closely related species (such as chickens
and turkeys or cattle and sheep).
The priorities for advancing discovery
science in the short-term are:
1) Identify genes and gene products
that regulate important traits in
agricultural animals. Previous
research in agricultural animal
genomics has identified a substantial
number of genomic regions harboring
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for a
variety of economically important
traits. Fine-mapping of these QTL
and identification of many more
gene and genic interaction effects for
a wide array of traits of economic
and societal importance are expected
in the near future. Comparative
genomics will be an important tool
to discover genes that are common
across species (and thus are thought to
control important biological processes
conserved throughout evolution) as
well as novel genes within a species
that may give rise to species specificity
and phenotypic variation. In addition,
proteomics and metabolomics
studies will need to be conducted to
discover novel proteins that regulate
agriculturally relevant traits in
agricultural animals.
2) Understand mechanisms that regulate
agriculturally relevant genes in
a systems biology framework.
Although progress has been made in
understanding the mechanisms that
regulate individual genes in isolated
systems (i.e., in isolated cell cultures),
many of the basic mechanisms that
regulate gene expression in the context
of the whole animal still need to be
determined. Expression profiling of
large numbers of genes across diverse
tissues, animal populations, and
environmental conditions using DNA
chips, microarrays, or next-generation
sequencing will identify novel genes
and characterize spatial and temporal
expression of these genes. Additional
technologies to knock out (such as
RNA-interference; RNAi) or knock-in
(i.e., transgenesis with opportunities
for spatial and temporal control of the
transgene) gene expression will need to
be optimized for more efficient use in

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
3) Define the mechanisms through which
specific genes and genetic variation
influence phenotypes and phenotypic
variation. Discovery science is also
needed to unravel the complexities
of epistatis and the interactions of
genotype by environment and how
they affect phenotype. Development
of clear and standardized descriptions
or ontologies for defining phenotypes
(especially for phenotypes that are
difficult to measure) for animals are
needed. Efficient, systematic, and
comprehensive phenotypic screening
procedures and tools that will permit
comparison among laboratories are
also needed. The identification of
haplotypes within and between breeds
of animals will enhance the mapping of
traits and the ultimate identification of
mutations underlying those traits that
may give rise to phenotypic variation.
4) Understand the role of host
genomes and microbial genomes
to improve animal health and well-
being. Despite efforts to control the
production environment (e.g. housing
systems, feeding systems, thermal
environment), animals are not born
and raised in isolation. The interaction
of host, beneficial and pathogenic
microbes, and environment ultimately
determines whether an animal remains
healthy or is challenged by disease.
Consequently, understanding the
variation in how an animal responds
to various microbes and environments
can have profound influences on the
outcome of the interactions. Current
efforts of most scientists are directed
toward understanding the genetics
or physiology of the host, finding
pathogenicity genes in viruses or
other pathogens, and examining how
animal feeds and environmental
parameters influence the composition
of the microbial community in
the digestive tract. While these
approaches have been successful,
further advances in animal health
and well-being will require a systems
biology approach by interdisciplinary
teams of scientists. State-of-the-art
metagenomics technologies can
be used to understand the genetic
composition of poorly characterized
microbial communities in the rumen
and gastrointestinal tract of animals.
Functional genomics efforts will define
the microbial response in the rumen or
gastrointestinal tract to different hosts
or changes in environmental conditions
such as nutrition, management, or
therapeutics. Future genomics efforts
will allow selection of animals for
superior disease resistance, vaccine
response, or adaptability to various
production environments. In addition,
improved vaccines, diagnostics
and therapeutics can be developed;
producers can devise better precision
feeding systems to improve efficiency
of nutrient utilization and enhance
animal well-being; and use of anti-
microbials and pesticides can be
reduced in agricultural animal

Page 18
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
A solid infrastructure is needed to
facilitate advances in discovery science
in animal genomics in a time and cost-
effective manner. Infrastructure refers
to state-of-the-art genomic tools and
resources that are available to the scientific
community as well as a highly trained
and skilled workforce. The infrastructure
needed to advance animal genomics
efforts does not require additional bricks
and mortar. The priorities for a solid
infrastructure in animal genomics are:
1) Genomic tools to connect genotype to
phenotype and elucidate pathways of
complex traits for all animal species
important to agriculture. These
genomic tools include: comprehensive,
high resolution genome maps and
assembled and annotated genomic
Genome Maps: Genetic maps are
the basis for identifying genome
regions that affect genes of economic
importance in agricultural animals.
Genetic linkage maps are needed for all
agricultural animal species so that each
species can utilize the most current
selection practices. Linkage maps
for all species must be of sufficient
density so that genomes can be
scanned effectively and efficiently for
economically important loci. Physical
maps are needed so that researchers
can characterize specific regions of the
genome. Maps based on segregation of
markers in irradiated hybrid cell lines
provide the resolution needed to order
markers and genes in very narrow
regions of the genome (less than
100,000 bases apart) and are excellent
resources for developing comparative
maps between species. Whole genome
physical maps are composed of
ordered BAC clones, which contain
large segments of cloned DNA
(100,000-200,000 bases) necessary to
develop markers for use in commercial
animal populations.
Assembled and Annotated Genomic Sequences:
An assembled genome sequence is a
compilation of all of the available DNA
sequence into long contiguous (contigs)
stretches of DNA and assignment of
DNA contigs to specific chromosomes.
Assembled genome sequences provide
insight into the evolutionary processes that
occurred during development of a species;
allow basic studies on the architecture of a
genome; allow characterization of genetic
variation that underlies traits; and provide
information regarding organization of
genes and their impact on expression of
genes in different tissues. An annotated
genome sequence contains information
regarding the gene name, gene structure,
function of the gene product, cellular
location of the gene product, as well as
how this knowledge was determined (i.e.,
literature citation). A finished, annotated
genome sequence should be available for
the most economically important species
(currently these species include: cattle,
chicken, and swine). The target for these
species should be a 10-fold or greater
coverage of the genome. The next tier
of economic importance (for example:
catfish, equine (currently at 6.8X), salmon,

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
sheep, tilapia and turkey) should have
a high quality draft genome sequence
(approximately 6X). This level of genome
sequence quality is necessary for accurate
functional genomic studies as well as
comparative analyses. Additional species
(for example: goat, oyster, shrimp, and
trout) should have a low quality draft
genome sequence (approximately 2X).
This level of coverage, coupled with
genetic and physical maps, would advance
the basic biology of these species as well as
allow for limited comparative analyses.
2) National, comprehensive databases
and the statistical and bioinformatics
tools that integrate genomic,
phenotypic, and experimental
information for each species. To
effectively use the resources being
generated from efforts in animal
genomics, there is a need to design,
construct and maintain large
comprehensive databases and the
statistical and bioinformatic tools
that integrate information from these
databases for a variety of applications.
As annotated sequence data, haplotype
maps, SNP maps, expression profiling
data, and other genomic data become
available, these data will need to
be integrated with phenotypic,
pedigree, and experimental data
into a common, national database.
These databases will require a
standardized ontology of genotypes
and phenotypes and mechanisms to
encourage centralization of producer-
generated phenotypic data. The
National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI) at the NIH is
currently the warehouse for genome
sequence information. However, NCBI
does not have adequate resources
to continue to maintain and curate
all genome sequence databases. In
addition, agricultural animal species
have unique population characteristics
(such as inbreeding or crossbreeding
that are not present in other species)
and require unique statistical tools for
appropriate analyses.
3) Centralized animal genetic resource
populations that are deeply
phenotyped and available to the
research community. A centralized
facility with sufficient technical
expertise to preserve unique
experimental animal populations,
collect genotypic and phenotypic
information on these animals, and
make the populations available to the
agricultural and biomedical research
communities (i.e., the Jackson labs
model) is needed. The emphasis in
these animal populations should be on
the development of rich phenotypic
measures for common traits of interest
as well as complex and difficult to
measure traits such as feed efficiency,
disease resistance, animal well-being,
product quality, and environmental
adaptability. Resource populations of
animals with divergent responses to
microbes, vaccines and therapeutics
are also needed. Repositories for cell
lines, DNA and RNA collections,
and gene expression resources for
all species should also be developed,
maintained and made readily
accessible to the scientific community.

Page 20
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
The mission of the National Animal
Germplasm Program should be
broadened to become a coordinated
national repository for genomic DNA,
appropriate DNA libraries, tissues
and specialized cell lines for access by
publicly-funded, U.S. scientists.
4) Education and training of students,
scientists, and the public on
genome-enabled animal science
and opportunities that help prepare
the next generation of researchers
to work in interdisciplinary teams.
Particular emphasis should be placed
on integrating quantitative genetics,
genomics, immunology, nutrition,
physiology, biochemistry, cell biology,
developmental biology, ecology,
engineering, physics, mathematics, and
computer science with development
of scientists who have a keen
appreciation for and knowledge of
animal production. There is a dearth
of qualified candidates for scientific
and technical support positions in
the animal industry. The critical mass
of expertise in animal genomics at
colleges and universities across the
globe that train these scientists is
diminishing at a rapid pace. The U.S.
faces the very real possibility of losing
our ability to train new scientists in
the integrated fields of quantitative
genetics, statistics, and computational
biology for animals unless this
trend is reversed. Undergraduate
animal sciences and related curricula
should contain sufficient exposure to
“omics” concepts and technologies,
as well as the social science aspects of
consumer acceptance of the application
of genome-enabled technologies
to animal production systems. In
addition, faculty development, student
recruitment and services, curriculum
development, instructional materials,
and innovative teaching methodologies
in agricultural animal genomics are
needed. A national animal genomics
commodity-specific model for
extension and outreach (based on
“regional” extension specialists)
will enable and facilitate effective
translation of genomics research and
resulting technologies to the animal
production sector and the public.
Quantitative animal genetics and
animal improvement programs have
led to tremendous improvements in
the efficiency of agricultural animal
production during the last 50 years.
Investments in genomic technology
from gene discovery to sequenced
genomes, as well as state-of-the-art
technology developed by the biomedical
research community, have animal
agriculture poised at the threshold of
the genomic revolution. Application of
new genomic technologies to animal
producers will improve the efficiency,
sustainability, biosecurity, and social
acceptance of animal production. This
Blueprint describes future research,
education, and extension efforts needed
to develop and deliver animal genome-
enabled technologies to the animal
industry. The Blueprint contains specific

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
recommendations for Infrastructure,
Discovery Science, and Science to Practice.
A summary of these recommendations is
provided in Appendix II.

Page 22
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
Ronnie D. Green (Chair)
National Program Leader
Animal Production
Muquarrab A. Qureshi (Co-Chair)
National Program Leader
Animal Genetics
Peter C. Burfening
National Program Leader
Animal Genome Programs
Hans H. Cheng
Research Geneticist
Avian Disease and Oncology Lab
East Lansing, Michigan
Noelle E. Cockett
College of Agriculture
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
Deb Hamernik
National Program Leader
Animal Physiology
Steven Kappes (Ex-Officio)
Deputy Administrator
Animal Production & Protection
Mark A. Mirando
National Program Leader
Animal Reproduction, Growth, and
Nutrient Utilization Programs
Anna C. Palmisano (Ex-Officio)
Deputy Administrator
Competitive Programs Unit
Daniel L. Pomp
Departments of Nutrition and
Cell and Molecular Physiology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Gary A. Rohrer
Research Geneticist
U.S. Meat Animal Research Center
Clay Center, Nebraska
Curt Van Tassell
Research Geneticist
Bovine Functional Genomics and
Animal Improvement Programs Labs
Beltsville, Maryland
James Womack
Distinguished Professor
Department of Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
A word about the USDA Animal Genomics Strategic Planning Task Force:
Following the recommendation of the Interagency Working Group on Animal Genomics, a task force was
established in January 2006 by USDA’s Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, Joseph Jen.
This task force was charged with developing a Blueprint for USDA efforts in agricultural animal genomics.
Members include:

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Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
American Competitiveness Initiative
Leading the World in Innovation.
Domestic Policy Council. Office of
Science and Technology Policy. February
Buzby, J.C., Wells, H.F., and Vocke, G.
2006. Possible Implications for U.S.
Agriculture from Adoption of Select
Dietary Guidelines. http://www.ers.usda.
Burfening, P., Claxton, J., Green, R., and
Warkup, C. 2006. The Future of Livestock
Genomics. Report on a Workshop Held
in Brussels 17-18 July 2006 Under the
Auspices of the US-EC Task Force on
Biotechnology Research.
Collins, F.S., Green, E.D., Guttmacher,
A.E., and Guyer, M.S. 2003. A Vision for
the Future of Genomics Research. Nature
Coordination of Programs on Domestic
Animal Genomics: A Federal Framework.
National Science and Technology Council.
Committee on Science. Interagency
Working Group on Domestic Animal
Genomics. September 2003. www.ostp.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. 2002. World Agriculture:
Towards 2015/2030 Summary Report.
Gibbs, R.A., Weinstock, G., Kappes, S.M.,
Schook, L.B., Skow, L., and Womack,
J. 2002. Bovine Genomic Sequencing
Initiative: De-Humanizing the Cattle
Genome. http://www.genome.
Green, R.D., Qureshi, M.A., Long, J.A.,
Burfening, P.J., and Hamernik, D.L. 2007.
Identifying the Future Needs for Long-
Term USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal
Genomics. Int J Biol Sci 3:185-191.
Hamernik, D.L. and Adelson, D.L.
2003. USDA Stakeholder Workshop on
Animal Bioinformatics: Summary and
Recommendations. Comp Funct Genom
Hamernik, D.L., Lewin, H.A., and Schook,
L.B. 2003 Allerton III. Beyond Livestock
Genomics. Animal Biotechnology 14:77-82.
International Chicken Genome
Consortium. 2004. Sequence and
Comparative Analysis of the Chicken
Genome Provide Unique Perspectives on
Vertebrate Evolution. Nature 432:695-716.
International HapMap Consortium. 2005.
A Haplotype Map of the Human Genome.
Nature 437:1299-1320.

Page 24
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
National Academy of Sciences. 2002.
Exploring Horizons for Domestic Animal
Genomics: Workshop Summary. (Ed. Pool R
and K Waddell). National Academy Press,
Washington, DC (42 pp).
Rosegrant, M.W., Paisner, M.S., Meijer,
S., Witcover, J. 2001. 2020 Global Food
Outlook: Trends, Alternatives, and
Choices. International Food Policy
Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
Schook, L.B. (ed) 1997. Proceedings of
the Allerton III Conference on Genetic
Analysis of Economically Important Traits
in Livestock. Animal Biotechnology 8:1-150.
United States Department of Agriculture
Strategic Plan for 2005-2010. June 2006.
Wong, G.K. et al. International Chicken
Polymorphism Consortium. 2004. A
Genetic Variation Map for Chicken
with 2.8 Million Single-Nucleotide
Polymorphisms. Nature 432:717-22.

Page 25
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
Appendix I
Alignment of Blueprint Priorities
With National Issues and USD
A Strategic Goals
of American
Health &
Science to Practice Whole Genome Selection
Prediction of Genetic Mer
Precision Mating
Precision Management
y Science
Gene Disco
Systems Biology & Gene Mechanisms
Genetic Basis of Phenotypic
Animal Health &
Infrastructure Genomic
Genetic Resources
Education and Outreach

Page 26
Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008­–2017
Science to Practice
Discovery Science
Appendix II
Summary of the Animal Genomics Blueprint Priorities
Science to Practice:
1. Whole genome enabled animal selection.
2. Prediction of genetic merit of individual animals from genome-based data
combined with phenotypes.
3. Integration of genomic data into large scale genetic evaluation programs and the
use of genomic information to design precision mating systems.
4. Precision management systems to optimize animal production, health, and
5. Genomic capabilities that enable parentage and identity verification (traceability).
Discovery Science:
1. Identify genes and gene products that regulate important traits in agricultural
animals such as disease resistance, animal well-being, feed efficiency, and product
2. Understand mechanisms that regulate agriculturally relevant genes in a systems
biology framework.
3. Define the mechanisms through which specific genes and genetic variation
influence phenotypes and phenotypic variation.
4. Understand the roles and interactions of host animal and microbial genomes and
environmental influences (e.g., animal feed, vaccines) for improving animal health,
well-being, and production efficiency.
1. Genomic tools to connect genotype to phenotype and elucidate pathways of
complex traits for all agricultural animal species. These genomic tools include
comprehensive, high resolution genome maps and assembled and annotated
genomic sequences.
2. National, comprehensive databases and the statistical and bioinformatics tools that
integrate genomic, phenotypic, and experimental information for each species.
3. Genetic resources such as centralized animal populations that are deeply
phenotyped as well as repositories for cell lines, DNA and RNA collections, and
gene expression resources for all species. The mission of the National Animal
Germplasm Program should be broadened to become a coordinated national
repository for genomic DNA, appropriate DNA libraries, and specialized cell lines.
4. Education and training of students, scientists, and the public on genome-enabled
animal sciences and opportunities that help prepare the next generation of
scientists. Particular emphasis should be placed on integrating quantitative
genetics, genomics, immunology, nutrition, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology,
developmental biology, ecology, engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer
science with development of scientists who have a keen appreciation for and
knowledge of animal production systems. Additional emphasis on extension and
outreach will enable and facilitate effective translation of genomics research and
resulting technologies to the agricultural animal production sector and the public.

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